Sunday, April 24, 2016

Religious disrespect at Rutgers

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"Write "Trump 2016" in chalk on a university sidewalk, and administrators will launch a hate-crime investigation to track you down.

Disagree with the violent fantasies of the Black Lives Matter movement, and you'll be labeled a racist and possibly drummed off campus.

Defend traditional marriage or gender-specific bathrooms, and everything you do thereafter will be classified as an actionable microaggression.

But deeply offend Christians by portraying Jesus in this offensive manner, and it's art."

Read about Rutgers University at WND... College campuses today are taught by left-wing radicals, socialists, atheists and communists.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's what happens when you do not allow prayer in schools or the pledge of alligence to be recited. The youth today do not respect anyone or anything today. They can not even communicate with people face to face.