Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Secret Plan to bring 10x the number of Refugees to America

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It seems like there's no end to the flood of mostly Muslim refugees coming to the U.S. Just look at the latest abomination from the geniuses who run the group you probably hate even more than Congress.

Read more... at WND.

Donald Trump is right. You can't vet them thoroughly and the vetting process is down from 18 months to 3 months. Look at all the trouble in Germany--killing, rapes, robbery, etc., and Obama says Merkle is on the right side of history.

The first job of the president is to keep its citizens safe. I'm with Trump--Give them a safe sanctuary within Syria and keep them out of the United States.


Anonymous said...

This all sounds a little to elitist and racist, too much bigotry. Sounds like the way the people on Palm Beach are not allowing blacks or others from being approved to live there among them. Right all these refugees are going to come here and kill all the Christians. I think there are other bigger concerns. Whatever happened with Americans being loving and welcoming of foreigners? Our world has gone to hell, there are so many elitist and bigots here, really hateful people. You are right they are better off staying in Syria.

Lynn Anderson said...

That's a blatant lie. No such thing is happening in Palm Beach or elsewhere. If you can afford to live in PB, anyone can. Let's cut the crap.

As far as being loving and welcoming...let them all come to Lake Worth. We have 1,000 surplus properties---they can occupy them...10 to a room, might just work out for ya. That will house the first wave.

Why is everyone a bigot, a racist and a hater who disagrees with you or is concerned about the safety of our citizens?

Anonymous said...

8:30am take a random person into your home then maybe you can understand what a bad idea this is and get knocked off your moral high ground.

Anonymous said...

Better yet 8:30 A.M leave this country and go find a better one. One that will welcome you with open arms and give you free food,free housing,free health care and free education for your children through grade 12. Go to our southern or northern U.S. borders and enter Canada or Mexico illegally. Start demanding your rights and calling them racists and elitists.Good luck. Report back here in a year and let us all know how great it went for you. Oh,wait, you'll be in jail. Or dead.Go FUC$ yourself and thank whatever God you worship that you had the dumb luck to be born in the most tolerant country in the world where even fools like you are allowed to exist.

Anonymous said...

Couldn't be better put 11:42am these PC idiots are hypocrites who wouldn't last a day in Detroit where I was 27 years let alone a foreign country with an intense jealousy of the United States.